miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

"La humanidad se divide entre aquellos que disfrutan metiéndose en la cama por las noches y aquellos a quienes les desasosiega irse a dormir. Los primeros consideran que sus lechos son nichos protectores, mientras que los segundos sienten que la desnudez del duermevela es un peligro. Para unos, el momento de acostarse supone la suspensión de las preocupaciones; a los otros, por el contrario, las tinieblas les provocan un alboroto de pensamientos dañinos y, por si ellos fuera, dormirían de día, como los vampiros. ¿Has sentido alguna vez el terror de las noches, el ahogo de las pesadillas, la oscuridad susurrándote en la nuca con su aliento frío, que aunque no sepas el tiempo que te queda, no eres otra cosa que un condenado a muerte? Y, sin embargo, a la mañana siguiente vuelve a estallar la vida con su alegre mentira de eternidad."

miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

I'm not perfect I'm just who I am
Is that ok?
Perfect's overdone and overplanned
In the modern age
Still you say you know what's best
I disagree but I know less so
Then that leaves us back where we began
Your way

And if you were me you'd do
Everything you wanted to
Well I've got news for you

Everybody loves to tell me who and what to be
More of what they always want and less and less of me
I don't give a damn what they all say
I'm not here to save the day
I may lose it but I'll do it my way

Friends and teachers heads of state and fools all say
"Lay it down and play it by the rules"
Their way

But if they all know so well
Why can no one ever tell?
And they ask why we rebel...

Everybody loves to tell me who and what to be
More of what they always want and less and less of me
I don't give a damn what they all say
I'm not here to save the day
I may lose it but I'll do it my way

Everybody wants to prove to the world they got it figured out
Be somebody with the nerve to admit it when it's all in doubt
In the end it's not pretend it's what the world's about

Everybody loves to tell me who and what to be
More of what they always want and less and less of me
I don't give a damn what they all say
I'm not here to save the day

I may lose it but I'll lose it my way